The Law Firm Of Rick Muñoz
Attorney and Counselor at Law
Call NOW (815) 727-5590
REAL Courtroom Trial Attorney
Serving Will County, Grundy County, Kendall County, Southern Cook County and the surrounding towns and areas.
Joliet - Will County, Traffic Offense Lawyer
Speeding tickets and other traffic violations are anything but minor offenses. One infraction can include multiple citations. Before you know it, your license is threatened with suspension and your insurance rates are sky high. Holders of commercial driver's licenses (CDLs) face the possible risk of losing their jobs.
While we encourage clients to be proactive in attending to traffic violations, we also employ that approach in resolving serious legal issues that can arise. At The Law Firm of Rick Muñoz, we do not shy away from the courtroom. We know that major consequences can come from so-called minor crimes.
Dedicated Joliet Traffic Ticket Defense Attorneys at Your Side
In Illinois, driving 31 to 39 miles an hour over the speed limit is a Class B misdemeanor. Forty miles an hour or over is a class A misdemeanor. Excessive speeding or leaving the scene of an accident will lead to a reckless driving charge. An immediate guilty plea has short and long-term consequences if you receive other traffic violations or are charged with drunk driving.
Increased insurance rates are only the start of your problems if you receive numerous traffic tickets. If your driving privileges are suspended as a result of operating an uninsured motor vehicle, you will be required to apply for Safety Responsibility (SR-22) insurance, a self-reporting policy that is more expensive.
Failure to take action can result in the loss of a license. Jobs are at stake for commercial drivers. You need immediate, individualized representation from a Joliet traffic offenses attorney who does not treat tickets as minor criminal infractions. Far too much is at stake, including your driving privileges or a career.
Contact Us Today for a Free Initial Consultation
For more information or to schedule an appointment with an experienced CDL defense lawyer, pleasecontact our Joliet office or email us today! Se Habla Español.